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Sauble Ranch Tour

May 21, 2024

Location: 1035A Cedar Creek Road, Cedar Point, KS

TLA Friends invites you to Sauble Ranch in western Chase County, Kansas, on May 21, 2024, for an enriching ranch tour. Descendants of Flint Hills pioneer Pat Sauble, hosts Dennis and Susan Hague, offer a glimpse into the ranch's storied past dating back to 1856. Explore the iconic barn, a testament to the ranch's history, and delve into innovative conservation practices such as rotation grazing and invasive tree control.

Led by Dennis, the tour unveils the ranch's Bud Box cattle working facility and covers topics like cover crops and spring developments. A highlight is the visit to Miller Spring, a vital water source for Cedar Creek, where the intersection of history and ecology paints a vivid picture of sustainable land management. Sponsored by Frontier Farm Credit, a catered lunch awaits, fostering camaraderie among attendees.

Frontier Farm Credit is sponsoring the catered lunch

RSVP for this unforgettable journey into the heart of the Flint Hills - Email tallgrasslegacy@gmail.com