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Kansas Ranching: The Leopold Oaks Story by Kansas Grazing Lands Coalition & USDA NRCS

Posted Wednesday October 14, 2020

Kansas rancher, Bill Sproul shares an experience that sparked his own realization about life within the prairie.

Bill was the 2015 Leopold Conservation Award Winner and shares his trials and tribulations of cattle ranching. He understands every cattle rancher has their own experience and environment. He is eager to learn from others, as well as, share what he has learned about ranching over the years.

Aldo Leopold, known for his beliefs on land ethics, reportedly enjoyed journaling and writing A Sand County Almanac beneath what Bill Sproul calls the "Leopold Oaks." After acquiring a couple of these oak trees, Bill followed their progress and growth closely for four years. When Bill's trees disappeared unexpectedly, he reminded himself of Aldo Leopold's outlook on the prairie ecosystem.

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