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Kansas Ranching:Dung Beetles On The Prairie by Kansas Grazing Lands Coalition & USDA NRCS

Dung Beetles on the Prairie
Posted Wednesday September 2, 2020

Bill shares his thoughts on the work that dung beetles on the prairie do for the land and how important they are to the ecosystem.

Dung beetles play a crucial role in natural and agricultural ecosystems. By burying dung, they also provide an important food source for decomposers, and reduce resources for the larvae of economic insect pests such as bushflies.

He talks about the tumblers and the tunnelers and the process of their work on the prairie, both above ground and under.

As a Kansas cattle rancher, Bill looks for ways to keep the flies off his cattle, without causing harm to the dung beetle on the prairie. He shares the variety of processess there are to managing rangeland, cattle and everything that is happening on his ranch on a daily basis, always open to trying new ways of doing things to protect and preserve the natural flow of the ecosystem.

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